(Post)colonial continuities are barely discussed in Germany. Next week, the ZOO(!) in Augsburg displays an event called “african villag” complete with African artisans to show “the culture of africa”. They claim international understanding as their aim but showed no sense for German colonial history at all. In 19th century Germany, “Völkerschau”-events took part in zoos, where black people where exhibited to the curious mass.
When represantatives of the Black German community anounced their protest, they got a patronizing answer with remarks like the Augsburgarian zoo would be the prefect location whit its “exotic” atmosphere, that colored people will take part in the project, too etc.
You can find more information on this topic, including diverse protest letters in German and English at http://www.derbraunemob.info/
Der braune Mob e.V. is a coalition of black german people in media and has awarded their “braune Karte” (brown card) to the Augsburg zoo.